
order No. Type
51000010 Carbide straight bit (single flute)
51010010 Carbide straight bit (double flutes)
51020010 Panel pilot bit with drill point
51030010 Stagger teeth straight bit
51040010 Bottom cleaning bit
51050010 Hinge boring bit
51060010 45 degree angle chamfer bit
51070010 Straight bit with bearing
51080010 Horse nose bit
51090010 Glue joint bit
51100010 Grooving bit 90 angle
51110010 Dovetail bit
51120010 Lock miter bit
51130010 Corner round bit
51140010 Finger nail bit
51150010 Classical cove bit
51160010 Cove bit with bearing
51170010 Mortising bit
51180010 Flat ogee bit
51190010 Roman ogee bit with bearing
51200010 Classical moulding bit
51210010 Curved line bit
51220010 Classical bit
51230010 Drawing line bit
51240010 Double roman ogee bit
51250010 Wavy edge bit
51260010 Special moulding bit
51270010 Classical moulding bit
51280010 Edge beading bit
51290010 Double-Arc round nose bit
51300010 Table edge bit
51310010 Table ogee bit
51320010 Table corner bit
51330010 Table curved round bit
51340010 Keyhole bit
51350010 Traditional bit
51360010 Roman classical bit
51370010 Roman ogee bit
51380010 Undermount bowl bit
51390010 Side finger nail type bit
51400010 Arch type router bit
51410010 Drawer lock bit
51420010 Door lip tib
51430010 Hinge bit
51440010 Open end carving bit
51460010 Miter bit
51470010 Classical bit
51480010 Bevel carving bit
51490010 Stamen type classical plunge bit
51500010 Carving bit
51510010 Marginal classical plunge bit
51520010 Flat bottom cutter
51530010 Classical ogee plunge bit
51540010 Core box bi
51550010 Round nose bit